Syukur Alhamdulillah..
Being in AJL was an experience that we would never forget.. I think we all learned a bit more of the Malaysian music industry day by day.. The preparation for the final show was a headache for all of us but I guess it went well in the end..
Meet The Family

We owe our crews a lot..I think we would be in a mess if we didn't have them with us.. They are a part of the family.. Our Manager, Mr Vinder (the one with the cap), our sound engineer, Anthony (a.k.a Tiny - the huge guy standing on the left), Batak is our monitor engineer (the dude with the hood), our lighting consultant, Izzat and stylist, Izwin (both are sitting behind Din), my guitar tech and friend, Ian Lam ( standing on the furthest right), Din's guitar tech, Khim (the guy in green), Andy's drum tech which is his own brother Dino and our bass sessionist for the show, Melina William from the band Tempered Mental - . Not forgetting our good friend MC ( she is sitting between Din and Andy) for being there to help us tapau food.. hehe..
* Izzat from Auburn & Neomedicus-
* Izwin from The Otherside Orchestra & Plush -
* Dino from Frequency Cannon -
The Arrangement of Itu Kamu for AJL & The Score for The Strings Section
We only took 2 days to finalize the arrangement of Itu Kamu for AJL.. We all agreed that it should be simple and not losing the essence of the song itself..
I was given the task to write the score for the strings section.. I was nervous about it.. 2 reasons.. One is because of Ramli MS.. He is one of the highly respected composer and arranger in Malaysia and he is very strict when it comes to work..Secondly, its because of my first time writing for a real live strings section.. I have written scores for my college project a lot of times but most of them ended up being sequenced..
It took me roughly 5 days of not enough sleep to finish the 15 pages score and plus it was overdue.. hahaha.. busted..
We had problems with the arrangement along the way.. I'm not gonna talk about it coz it's gonna be a long... long... long... story. All I can say that we had to change the arrangement one more time before the final show..
I wouldn't say that my strings arrangement was great but its a start for me to write more to improve myself.. I learned that Ramli MS is actually a nice guy after all but I know when it comes to work, you just have to make sure you do it properly and do it right..

We were glad and thankful that TOPMAN and TOPSHOP decided to sponsor us their clothes for AJL.. Our stylist Izwin and Izzat helped us choose the clothes..

"Rich - Cikgu"

"Andy - Mr Arrogant"

"Din - Confused"
Din is trying so hard to be like Ariel.. sigh

Din's Mesa is being warmed up for the show

Izwin is doing her magic..

All of us were worried backstage

Thumbs up
In The Hall

The Trophy

Thank you everyone for their hardwork and to our family, our friends & the fans for their love and support.. Cheers!!